World on Fire
- Engine: Unity
- Team Size: 6
- My Roles: Game Designer, Gameplay Programmer, 3D Asset Modeller, UI Engineer, and Sfx & Music Engineer
- Project Date: January 2022
- Project URL: Page
- Slideshow: Google Slides
The world is on fire! Put it out!
This project was for CMPM 170 Game Design Studio I, the first course in three-part capstone for computer game design program.
Where students work in teams to design a substantial computer game with emphasis on novel, artistic concepts.
The prompt for this project was to create :
A 3D level with a defined play space that the player can’t exit, but also isn't boxed in by physical barriers.
During this project, I gained practical experience implementing menus and gameplay mechanics in Unity with a team.
I also developed my skills in asset creation using Blender and learned the process of exporting models into Unity.
World on Fire is a firefighting game developed in Unity that features a 2-axis wraparound level.
The game includes procedural fire-spreading and smoke-spreading mechanics, as well as plenty of refuel stations which the player will rely on. The player uses their extinguishers to put out these fires in hopes of saving the town, the game ends when there are no more refuel stations.
Role & Design
Contributions: Game Design, Player Controller, Menus, Music, and Foliage & Vending Machine Assets
I designed the game around the Sonic Mania bonus levels, incorporating a seamless transition feature that adds more map control to allow players to travel to various areas of the map without having to run through large bodies of fire.